
Montagne Sainte-Victoire 


The Montagne Sainte-Victoire is a mountain in southern France, overlooking Aix-en-Provence. It became the subject of a number of Paul Cézanne's paintings in which he sought to depict the nature of reality and our perception of it. Today our perceptions of reality are usually mediated through technologies; multifaceted and usually devoid of context, these digital instances of reality reignite this enquiry into the essence of what things are.
The Montagne Sainte-Victoire today can be seen from many different perspectives and levels of detail from the comfort of mobile technology, each with their own biases and disruptions of the physicality of the mountain ranges. Here I have taken the photo used in the mountain's Wikipedia entry seen above and used the pixel data to model a flat surface in virtual 3D space. I wanted to reiterate the original sentiment Cezanne explored in his original paintings, but within a contemporary framework to touch upon the skewed subjective reality we experience using technology but also it's rigidity as well.

